Subventions pour serriculteurs applicables au Canada


Date limite : 15 février 2026

Ce programme vise à encourager les exploitations agricoles à adopter des pratiques agroenvironnementales durables. Il se divise en plusieurs sous-volets, offrant un soutien pour la réalisation du Plan d’agriculture durable (PAD), la gestion des matières résiduelles agricoles, l’implantation de pratiques agroenvironnementales à la ferme, et la conversion à l’agriculture biologique. Le programme prévoit une aide financière significative pour favoriser ces initiatives écoresponsables.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site web du MAPAQ.

Date limite : En continu.

L’Initiative ministérielle pour le développement des serres et des grands tunnels du MAPAQ vise à augmenter la production horticole en agrandissant les superficies sous serres et grands tunnels et en modernisant les installations existantes. Les entreprises agricoles générant un revenu agricole minimal de 25 000 $, dont au moins 50 % proviennent de la production horticole, sont éligibles. L’aide financière peut couvrir jusqu’à 50 % des dépenses admissibles, avec une bonification pour les entreprises certifiées biologiques.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site web du MAPAQ.


This program allows you to finance the construction of greenhouses and large tunnels or the improvement of existing facilities (automation, new heating equipment, etc.). You could finance 60% of the project up to a maximum of $50,000. (French only).

This program was introduced in 2020 to finance greenhouse projects of more than 3 million. It finances a maximum of 40% of the total project bill and the amount given must not exceed 40% of the electricity bill over 8 years of the project. (French only).

This initiative aims to increase the productivity of businesses specializing in crop production or beekeeping. It allows the financing of 50 000$ for the improvement of the efficiency of the workforce or agricultural work. For a maximum of 50% of the total amount of the project. It is possible to increase it to 60% under certain conditions. (French only).


This program allows you to finance the construction of greenhouses and large tunnels or the improvement of existing facilities (automation, new heating equipment, etc.). You could finance 60% of the project up to a maximum of $50,000. (French only).

This program was introduced in 2020 to finance greenhouse projects of more than 3 million. It finances a maximum of 40% of the total project bill and the amount given must not exceed 40% of the electricity bill over 8 years of the project. (French only).

This initiative aims to increase the productivity of businesses specializing in crop production or beekeeping. It allows the financing of 50 000$ for the improvement of the efficiency of the workforce or agricultural work. For a maximum of 50% of the total amount of the project. It is possible to increase it to 60% under certain conditions. (French only).


This program allows you to finance the construction of greenhouses and large tunnels or the improvement of existing facilities (automation, new heating equipment, etc.). You could finance 60% of the project up to a maximum of $50,000. (French only).

This program was introduced in 2020 to finance greenhouse projects of more than 3 million. It finances a maximum of 40% of the total project bill and the amount given must not exceed 40% of the electricity bill over 8 years of the project. (French only).

This initiative aims to increase the productivity of businesses specializing in crop production or beekeeping. It allows the financing of 50 000$ for the improvement of the efficiency of the workforce or agricultural work. For a maximum of 50% of the total amount of the project. It is possible to increase it to 60% under certain conditions. (French only).